Friday, January 23, 2015

Professional Presence Update 3

Reflect on the code review you just completed. 
What did you learn? 
I learned how to optimize a website for speed. There are several factors to take into consideration when trying to make a website run lightning fast. I learned how to measure and optimize those factors. 

What are you going to do differently on the next project?
Hmmm, this is always a tough question. It's like when an interviewer asks you to list some of your weaknesses. Ha ha. Nobody likes to talk about their weaknesses (that is, if they even believe they have any major ones). But I will say that perhaps I will try to achieve more balance in my schedule on the next project. I prioritized working on this project over doing other things when the opportunity arose. That could have been for better or worse, but I like to think it was for the better because it shows that I am dedicated. I probably could have exercised and eaten more and healthier. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Professional Presence Update 2

Reflect on the code review you just completed. 

What did you learn? 

I learned how to make a basic 2D frogger game using JavaScript. I learned about 2D animation and collision detection, both very interesting and useful topics. I also learned a bit about Object-oriented JavaScript, which is very useful as well. 

What are you going to do differently on the next project? 

I am not sure that I can say I am going to do something differently on the next project. I think this project went rather well. Of course it was challenging, but that does not mean it did not go well or that I did not do something the right way. I enjoyed figuring things out myself and seeking help from the internet and other Udacians in order to implement different features. I guess if I could do one thing differently on the next project, I would finish it more quickly than I did this project. I took a couple weeks off because it was the holiday season and I was working still working my other job and wanted to spend time with family. I think it was a wise decision.